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Nick's Aviation page

Welcome to My Aviation Home Page

This Web site features my little Ferrari's of the. sky. I enjoy corporate aviation. I am not a huge fan of widebody aircraft. But, I give credit where credit is do. Those are some the most advanced machines on the planet.

My Cars

I am also an avid gear head. I love cars and airplanes. BMW rocks. Swinging wrenches on weekends is an enjoyable and rewarding hobby. I fix planes all week, and enjoy cars on weekends. Nothing makes a statement like a car that purrs like a kitten. Then again, I know a few woman that purr like kittens, when they get the attention they need. :0)

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Windsurfing anyone?
I an avid windsurfer. There is nothing like launching yourself off a wave and getting back on plane. Always hang on to your gear. Swimming after your stuff is a real bitch if the swells are nuken.

You can also find me on Yahoo Messenger. GoWrench is the handle. Give me a shout if your on line.
